Joining BoardingArea

I started this blog in August of last year, as a way to share my points obsession and travels. Shortly after I began blogging, a world of opportunities opened up for me. One of them was an invitation to join BoardingArea. Having been an avid reader of many BoardingArea blogs, I was excited about the opportunity.


After some thought, I decided this would be a great next step in my blogging venture. I’m looking forward to the transition, which will take effect in the coming weeks. The site URL will remain the same, but you’ll see a nifty new BA logo somewhere along the page. You will notice some ads, but nothing too excessive or unrelated to the blog. Aside from all of this, I will continue to have full control over the blog’s content.

I want to thank Randy and his team for their support during this transition. I also want to thank my readers for your readership and support. You make writing this blog so much fun and I hope you all share my excitement!

15 thoughts on “Joining BoardingArea”

  1. Well congratulations from us at…that is exciting stuff. We look forward to the continuing scribes!
    I literally just started our blog (15 yr old company, new site, new blog – still building on many more bells & whistles to the site).
    I am working on a few new posts now…subsequently, I have a newly learned respect for serious Bloggers because I’ve discovered how much time can go into just one post!…I have some journalism training (from way back, lol) and Yes it is no different than the planning & research that should go into any good newspaper or magazine article! (I say “should” because I am disappointed, to say the least, in the world of what has become sensationalist journalism today – Edward R Murrow would roll over in his grave if he could see what the mainstream now passes off on us…journalistic integrity is probably not a term we will be familiar with in a few more years, but I digress)… Unless of course it’s just an opinion piece…So why is it that the ultra opinionated are paid so darn much?!?

    Lol, again I digress…

    Cheers…break a leg…really happy for you, it is exciting no doubt 🙂

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