Ariana standing in front of Buckingham palace

Origin story

I launched Pointchaser in 2012, after a trip to Afghanistan, where I was born. Not having left the U.S. since I moved here in 1997. I vowed to repeat this trip and make a career out of travel and storytelling. Shortly after, I was introduced to the points and miles world.

Points and miles have enabled me to book international trips in business class for less than the cost of domestic coach. By leveraging elite status from hotel chains to travel in comfort.

Chasing points and miles has opened up previously impossible travel opportunities for me. I hope I hope to teach my readers to do the same. If you’re new to points and miles, start with the Beginner’s Guide for a thorough introduction to points, miles, and free travel.

Be sure to check this blog daily for the latest news and deals. Subscribe or follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

Ariana Arghandewal

15 thoughts on “About”

  1. salaam Ariana jaan..
    Im guessing you are Afghan? I found your blog after Dariaus’ posting. Good luck in the collection game….I also have a blog…check it out if you can…………..sorry you didnt get in on the coins deal in time…..I myself got in early..filed an exceptions, and racked up enuff points to send two people to KBL and back on TK….

  2. @ Ozaer, yes I am. Glad to see a fellow Afghan in the game! I’m surprised this hasn’t made the rounds yet, but I have a feeling one of these days somebody will go on Khutab’s show and suddenly Safi and Ariana Airways will go out of business. I almost used my miles to fly Gulf from Dubai to Kabul, but it wasn’t worth it at 35,000 miles roundtrip. Did you use TK to fly to Kabul?

  3. I really enjoyed your post on returning to Afghanistan, but was left wanting when there was no “thoughts on others/Americans traveling to Afghanistan.”. I have been to many developing nations but never to one like Afghanistan. Is it even remotely possible/advisable for white male Americans to go there now?

    1. @ Drewbird, I’m glad you enjoyed the post! During my recent trip I saw more westerners than before. Some appeared to be tourists while others worked for NPOs. It’s safer to travel in Kabul than the rural areas, and there are hotels and restaurants that cater exclusively to westerners, but I don’t recommend visiting without a local guide/chaperone. We traveled all around the North with family members who knew their way around, so it was relatively safe for us. But to wander into the country without any kind of guidance, especially for a western male, is not advisable at the moment. Hopefully one day soon, there will be peace and people interested in exploring the country can do so freely. In the meantime, you can still live vicariously through me by checking out my trip report. 🙂

  4. Please understand that my comment elsewhere this morning was more a product of my foul mood than of any personal animus. Not all of we angries pester because we’re nasty or even angry. (Okay, there’s some of that.) Some of us feel that only the best offers should be out there, and that credit card sign-ups are actually risky ventures for the majority of consumers (based on data) and should be treated as such. Best of luck with the blog.

    1. harvson3, thanks for clarifying. I’m all for constructive criticism and agree that some bloggers overdo it with the credit card peddling. What I don’t agree with is the unnecessary bashing that goes on in third party forums and blogs.

      FTG has a policy of only using the best links (even non-affiliates). We’ve put this into practice in the last few credit card and Travel Challenge posts. The Travel Challenge answers the common question newbies have: How can I use my miles? Churning isn’t for everyone and I agree it’s important to convey the risks.

    1. Haha! Didn’t realize aviator glasses (which I’m not wearing, by the way) make chins look smaller.

  5. Point Chaser-Ref: What to do if CVS stops accepting…….. Too much repetition on comments.
    Please put a BIG and BOLD notice at the beginning; For all new readers. If you will read ALL comments, 99% of all questions have already been answered.

    1. True. I do my best to address the questions in the post itself, but people don’t seem to be reading them thoroughly. Or the comment section for that matter.

  6. Jerry Mandel

    Such a waste of your time answering the same questions over and over and over. A LARGE and BOLD notice might help you by getting some people to read questions and answers first.

  7. Have you used Befrugal to buy VGC on Giftcardmall? They offer 2.3 compared to 2 for Yazing. Wondering to go with them. Thx

  8. Hey Chicklet, I have a question about US Bank Visa Gift Cards from Kroger/Ralphs. Could you email me when you have a moment? – thanks!

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