10% off Visa gift card fees at Simon Mall?

I’m at work and can’t really verify this, but according to @depplif Simon Mall is offering 10% off Visa gift card fees. That’s not quite the $0 fee promotion I’ve been waiting for, but it’s a discount. And you can buy up to $10,000 per day (fees included), which is a heck of a lot higher than the limit imposed by giftcards.com.

Simon Mall’s gift card fees are normally $3.95 for up to $500. @depplif reports that the fee dropped to $3.56. So you’re only saving $0.39 cents per gift card, or $0.78 per $1,000. That sounds insignificant, but it adds up.

On a $10,000 gift card purchase, you’ll save $7.80. If you manage to buy $100,000 worth of Visa gift cards during this promo (enough for a roundtrip business class trip to Asia, using Alaska miles) you’ll save $78. Every bit counts! I don’t know if this means they won’t have a $0 fee promotion this year, but I for one am going to stock up on gift cards anyway.

There are some ms-friendly credit cards that I generally don’t worry about cycling my credit limit with. I don’t make this a regular habit – just when a great promotion comes around or I need to stock up on lots of points quickly.

Anyway, I don’t even know if my Simon Mall will have this promotion. I’ll check it out after work. In the meantime, feel free to share your own experiences below.

14 thoughts on “10% off Visa gift card fees at Simon Mall?”

  1. I visited our local Simon Mall last week and asked about free fee VGC sales during holidays, the lady behind the counter stated that she was just told that this year it won’t offer fee free, but does have $20 after $150 of mix store GCs

  2. Just called our Simon Mall and they aren’t having any deals with the VISA gift cards right now. However, the customer service reps at the desk usually aren’t kept informed about upcoming specials.

    1. They do hear about the merchant gift card deals ahead of time. Mine always shows me the calendar, on the condition that I don’t share it. But IME they get pretty short notice when it comes to the $0 fee card deals.

  3. Last year the promo was on 5Back Visa’s which they don’t sell anymore (at least at my Simon Mall). My CSR ( a few days ago) hadn’t heard anything about a promo this year either.

  4. I got the same e-mail without any mention of any discount or sale. However i noticed that they listed event date of December 8 to 24 in that e-mail. I am hoping that statement has any meaning. I need to stop by on Saturday so will find out if there is any special.

  5. Just went to the Leesburg Corner Premium Outlet to check out. Purchased 5 visa cards and there was no discount of any kind. Asked the rep about any promotion and she was not aware of any.

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