Staples is running a $0 fee promotion on their Mastercard gift cards this week. If you have a credit card that earns bonus rewards at office supply stores, this is a great opportunity to earn lots of points free of charge. However, since you’re not paying fees on these cards, any credit card will do.
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Earn $5 per day buying Mastercard gift cards at Staples
In case you’re wondering, these MasterCard visas are issued by Metabank, so you can liquidate them via money orders at Walmart.
In addition to free miles, you can also earn $5 per day via Dosh. The app pays out 3% cash back at Staples, up to $5 per day. The terms do exclude gift cards, but that hasn’t been enforced.
Essentially, you can earn $5 cash every day just by stopping by Staples and wrack up some free miles. Just keep in mind that the gravy train could end at any moment.
If you’re new to Dosh, you can earn $5 by signing up with my referral code (ARIANAA10). I will also earn $5 once you link a credit card to your profile. Note, in order to get $5 cash back at Staples, you will need to register the credit card to your Dosh account.
I think WMT has a max of $800 for MO – so you can get four Staples cards, no fee (get your Dosh) – go to the WalMart – ask for an MO – and just make sure you use the MasterCard as a DEBIT – and thats the process? Thanks
Is there any definitive answer as to why Mastercard debit cards are this way at WMT? Is it just something coded into their POS system that only the gods in Bentonville know why? I have no problem at all buying MO’s at the grocery chain I utilize with Mastercards – they work the exact same way as VISA cards.
I’m curious too about using MC at WM for MO. I’ve attempted the workaround a couple of years ago at the register for a BB load and the register wouldn’t do it. Visa’s are a piece of cake – how is the process different? You have to watch the screen super close for each card, be fast and hit “Debit”?
Bay Area has been a waste of time for staples deals. Most stores hide them behind a locked drawer that requires a manager to unlock. Half the time they allow me to buy 1 card, the other half of the time they don’t even bother checking and just say there’s none available.
I would speak to the manager and explain that you’re doing this to earn miles. Most likely they’re trying to dissuade scammers. They may be more cooperative if they know your intentions.
You say that these MCs are issued by Meta Bank and work at WMT? Do they work without having to press cancel first? If not , then there is no difference between these and US Bank MC , which negates the opening sentence of the post that these work at WMT? Am I missing something? Thanks
I thought mastercards at Walmart doesn’t work without a work around
They work, you swipe your card, hit cancel and press debit. It is really easy.
I think WMT has a max of $800 for MO – so you can get four Staples cards, no fee (get your Dosh) – go to the WalMart – ask for an MO – and just make sure you use the MasterCard as a DEBIT – and thats the process? Thanks
Yes, It is the process. However, [YMMV] no all Walmarts allow GCs and no all Walmarts allow 4 swipes.
Went to my local Staples and got the last 4 on the rack. Hopefully, they’ll restock before the week is over.
Can you use these to load GoBank card?
how many can one buy at once?
The ad states 1 per customer, but as usual, YMMV. I bought the last 4 on the rack at my store with no problem.
if i found 30, is it realistic that i could grab them all?
You can grab up to 10 = $2,000, so you will have to do several transactions, However, [YMMV] because no all Staples allow more than 1 GC.
Is there any definitive answer as to why Mastercard debit cards are this way at WMT? Is it just something coded into their POS system that only the gods in Bentonville know why? I have no problem at all buying MO’s at the grocery chain I utilize with Mastercards – they work the exact same way as VISA cards.
Just curious.
That varies by store.
In my limited experience, I would say no. Most data points say 5 max, but some people report being able to get 10.
You can always make multiple trips if it is convenient.
Your post are so informative. TY
PS: I used your link!
Glad you think so Doris! And thanks for using my link!
I’m curious too about using MC at WM for MO. I’ve attempted the workaround a couple of years ago at the register for a BB load and the register wouldn’t do it. Visa’s are a piece of cake – how is the process different? You have to watch the screen super close for each card, be fast and hit “Debit”?
you swipe your card and wait a couple of seconds until the screen blinks once, then you hit cancel and then hit debit, that’s all.
Is this working only on the last swipe, or can we do all 4 MCGC at WM with metas?
Question: does Dosh stack with Rakuten/ebates? Ebates had 4% cash back (or 4 MRs per $) earlier this week (now 2% or MRs).
If you have the double MR points Amex offer + Ebates + Dosh, this could be a real money maker.
Bay Area has been a waste of time for staples deals. Most stores hide them behind a locked drawer that requires a manager to unlock. Half the time they allow me to buy 1 card, the other half of the time they don’t even bother checking and just say there’s none available.
I would speak to the manager and explain that you’re doing this to earn miles. Most likely they’re trying to dissuade scammers. They may be more cooperative if they know your intentions.
You say that these MCs are issued by Meta Bank and work at WMT? Do they work without having to press cancel first? If not , then there is no difference between these and US Bank MC , which negates the opening sentence of the post that these work at WMT? Am I missing something? Thanks