Manufactured spending: Location, location, location dictates everything

It’s great to be writing again and seeing the variance of techniques used based on the readers’ location. And the comments on techniques I’ve never considered, help me stay open to new MS possibilities. Here are the factors that control my manufactured spending world:

Gift cards

Ariana is on the West Coast. I’m on the East. But that is not the determining factor with how we play the gift card game. The location of the nearest Simon Mall determines how you can best play the game. Here’s the list of locations.

I can’t imagine being able to walk into a mall location and buy thousands of dollars of gift cards at reasonable prices. And recently in $1000 denominations? What a benefit to ease the process.

In our area, we buy gift cards at grocery stores and occasionally a gas station. We benefit from bonus category spending in some of these locations. There is no bonus I know of at Simon Malls.

For us in non-Simon Mall areas, self-checkout allows larger transactions and buying them on your partner or spouse’s credit card as well.

Dosh, PEI and Drop apps

The Dosh, PEI, Drop apps and eligible retailers for onsite shopping vary from town to town. I’m lucky. Kroger is a retailer on my Dosh app and gift card purchases in-store seem to continue to qualify.

I pick up and extra 5% with a $10 max per day. With that $10 bonus for the wife and me each time I go, lunch is paid for with that benefit. Drop and PEI do nothing great in my area. How about yours?

Gift cards by mail

Available to all of us and here the determining factor of success and profit is which shopping portal you decide to use. I was using Yazing for the service and 0.9% payback. Ariana uses BeFrugal for a full 1%.

With the addition of iConsumer and earning your cashback as stock, we all now have the option of 1.2% in stock 

Gift card liquidation

Walmart, grocery stores, post office: The combination of possibilities are endless and you need to know your market well to be efficient. Some Walmart stores have different maximums and different procedures. Some are just a flat out “No Go.”

I can’t stand in line at my WM. It just takes too long. And some areas are just void of liquidation locations. My son has a hard time in NYC.

Different rules from different employees

Another pet peeve is some customer service reps are pleasant and others just flat out rude. It helps to know and reuse the stores to liquidate and the schedules of the employees that are helpful. And buying them an occasional cup of coffee or candy bar now and then sure seems to help and break the ice. It occasionally it has allowed me to go over the daily money order limit 😉

Money order deposits

Through an app on your phone is probably the most convenient for all of us. But the banks I use have monthly limits that greatly restrict that easy deposit process. Anybody have a bank or credit union that has simple and seemingly unlimited monthly money order deposits?

And the ink on the money order

This one really grinds my cheese. Two of my three typical money order sources have ink on their printer that is so light in color, I can’t use the online app. In fact, the ATM won’t even pick up the dollar value. I’ve got to manually add in the amount of each money order I deposit

So if you live in am MS dream location, count your lucky stars. Many of us don’t, or face regional factors that can curtail our success or enhance our situation.

What factors have I missed? And what can you share about how and where you play the game?

45 thoughts on “Manufactured spending: Location, location, location dictates everything”

  1. I consider Hawaii as a MS dream location. I live 1 exit (8 min drive) from all my key players. Simon mall, Office Depot, Safeway & Wal-Mart are all next to each other. Today I made 1 round with the wife we both picked up 2 x $400 GC on sale at Office Depot, over to Safeway picked up 2 x $300 GC on sale, to Simon picked up $9k (under the 10k limit to advoid needing my SS#), Then final trip to WM where I spend about 10-15 mins waiting online to liquidate 2 x $4000 in to MO’s. Back home used my online banking app to deposit the MO’s. The while process took me about 1.5hrs and I drove under 10 miles. Other times I have maximize Office Depot sales with AMEX. I have 3 Office Depot within a 12 mile stretch I have easly made 2-3 round trips (timing different staff) with the wife picking up $2,400 worth of GC each trip x 3 and I could even push out an extra 15 miles to gain access to another 2 office depots.
    Location, Location, Location

      1. Sudhir Krishnan

        Used to do 9k as well. In order to optimize for the time spent for the trip, we we now do $9,950 for current 1k promo. Just need to make sure that cards + fees < 10,000 We just mark the last $950 card and get MO for it asap!

    1. You must be in Waipahu or near. Do you use Bank of Hawaii or First Hawaiian? I found mobile deposit has hard time reading the proper number off MO from Walmart.

    2. “to Simon picked up $9k (under the 10k limit to avoid needing my SS#)”. Careful. This could be interpreted as structuring.

      1. Oh really…so safer to just go large with the $25k purchase? I’m not aware of structuring dangers but from the sounds of it im guessing this would bring more attention to myself with the credit card companies for a shut down?

        1. It’s unequivocally not “structuring” and this has been clarified. Unless you’re using elicit funds, you have nothing to worry about. “Structuring” is simply the government adding an additional charge to an already illegal activity such as money laundering so they can charge you with a handful of crimes for 1 action.

  2. I use USAA and I have no issues with WM MOs through the app. I also just opened a couple of new online banks this week and I plan to experiment with them as well so I can try and spread the wealth across mutiple banks.

      1. This month with the $1000 cards I done around $60k I still have another $20k left to max out my cards before end of the month. Although about 20 of the 60k I made some physical local bank deposits (40 k through digital deposit). My other AMEX spend from Safeway & Office Max surges when GC are on sale. I liquidate this spend on to Greendots and serve to pay bills such as mortage and car payments.

          1. Debit card tied to a checking account that pays 3% interest up to $10k. AND 3% cash back on online purchases and app purchases. But there is a monthly fee once you activate. I have t activated yet as still not sure of value with the monthly fee

          2. Greendot have 2 types. Its a reloadable GC / chexking account. One type is 0% and you must deposit $1000 every month to advoid fees. I normally use my AMEX to load $500 cash x 2 visits directly then I use that balance to pay other bills that do not accept AMEX. I use to load it hard but I was shut down. I reopened under my wife and I’m much easier on it now.

            The 2nd type is what Rick mentioned where you earn 3%. I just ordered that version of the card got it in the mail and shut it down same day after talking to customer service. That 3% card you must charge at least $1000 a month to advoid fees and you can earn 3% APR on the balance its a weird system but I did not like it made no sense to me to pay the loading fees, then having to charge another $1000 with the card just to advoid more fees. I prefer just to spend $1000 directly on my AMEX or whatever.
            Type 1 your loading $1000 to advoid fees and type 2 your spending $1000 on the card to advoid fees.
            Also each time I load $500 on type 1 there is a $4.95 loading fee (just like purchasing a GC come with a fee)

        1. “My other AMEX spend from Safeway & Office Max surges when GC are on sale. I liquidate this spend on to Greendots and serve to pay bills such as mortage and car payments.”

          When you reference using Greendot to liquidate are you referring to Greendot MoneyPaks?

          Are you using your AMEX CC to buy MoneyPaks then load them to your Greendot account?

          I thought you can only purchase them with cash.

    1. Update I opened a Popular Direct account and I was able to mobile deposit my MOs, although it did take a few days for it to be fully approved.

  3. Rick, years ago a Sun Trust teller showed me I could hand print the MO amount, on the MO, just outside the box where the machine printed it. That made it possible for the atm to read the amount.
    I no longer use Sun Trust. I haven’t tried this with BofA, but might have to give it a try. WM seem to be saving money on ink usage. I don’t want to rock the boat at BofA.
    Wondered if anyone else alters MOs?

  4. I live outskirt of nyc, the toll compound the problem with ms cost. Where crossing a bridge cost $15, $19 for the Verrazano.

  5. I recently moved to central AL with no local Simon locations which I had near the MS/LA/FL area. I have switched to buying most of my cards online via giftcardmall and using Rakuten Ebates. I then go to the local Publix and unload at many of them for $2500. No id required, competent people and fast. Curious if anyone else uses Publix and what their strategy is to limit trips. I used to go to WM but the workers are too slow and my gas/time are free.

  6. Rick – why do you use Yazing instead of one of the 1% portals (befrugal, ebates/rakuten, swagbucks)? Is there a benefit to using a single portal? I don’t do much volume but could see the benefits of using 2-3 different portals to hedge my risk a bit if one of them stops paying.

  7. I have done a bit with Rakuten to get the cash back but have been pushing the SM Visa GG this month. I go one run a week – pretty small; Last week I actually did a mid-week run. Here in Phoenix, have two pretty close but the “good WM” is the opposite direction. A week ago Saturday I did the circle in about 90 minutes: Simon Mall, Walmart, to the bank. If need be, there is a good Safeway that I can offload on to MOs – and a bank is also in that parking lot. But its about 10 minutes from the WM. So a bit time consuming but splitting the purchase between a Chase card for UR points and a cash back card (to fund the gas, 3.95 service fee and of course money order cost) has worked well this month. I thought I was done for the month but I might do one small run this week. Just to get a bit more cash and Chase UR points. This blog is great to read ideas and thoughts. I am skipping the Office Depot $15 back off 300+ in Gift Cards this week. But I am sure STaples will have another offer soon.

  8. You are lucky. No place in the Dallas, TX area will sell money orders using PIN-enabled gift cards. So, my MS is limited to prepaying monthly bills to get the sign up bonuses.

    1. I have been lucky. There are 4 or 5 Walmarts very close – only one has allowed a PIN enabled GC to buy Money Orders. The grocery store chain closest to me was good until one card didn’t work, the cashier just stopped the entire transaction, didn’t even want to sell MOs with the “good cards” I still had, must have told the manager so they ended it. Luckily I have a couple other grocery options of the same chain – but they are 8-10 mile drives so not convenient. Hence, I never buy a lot of GGs just in case I can’t move them.

  9. My biggest problem is the ink on the Walmart money orders. It’s almost impossible to deposit it in the app because it’s so light. My preferred place to liquidate is Publix. I can buy 2 $498 money orders in 1 transaction. They don’t say anything about the card you are using. Although it will cost 1.80 to liquidate a 1,000 money order, it’s easy and there’s usually no line. Kroger does 1,000 money orders for .88 but they always ask to see the card you are using and won’t let you use a gift card.

  10. Stephen Dedalus

    Does anyone know which gas stations, other than possibly 7-11, allow the purchase of VGCs with credit cards? My experience with Kroger has been that they generally don’t ask to see the card being used to but money orders.

  11. Hi Rick, I see that you mentioned the post office. Might you drop a hint or PM at what card type still works there?

    This would be very helpful to me, I’ll keep the info double secret!

    1. It is so location specific that your only hope is try face to face. We have a small one man location that works occasionally. More surprising today a friendly clerk at a big chain grocery said I could pay for my money order with debit or credit card. I about fell over. Try and see what happens at different locations. Good luck

  12. Where I live in NH is an MS dream. In a15 mile radius there are 10 Walmarts, 8 of which are MS friendly. There are 12 – 7 elevens, and 10 Staples. Can liquidate MO’S at multiple Hannafords, Stop and Shop and Shaws Supermarkets.
    Typical monthly MS volume is 300000+ @ Simon Malls, 60000 @ GCM, and 20000+ @ 7-11. When Staples is running a VGC/MCGC promo, i can usually ms about 6 to 8k per day.
    This could not have happened without Rick introducing me the points game over a decade ago and Ariana for keeping us players up to date on the latest MS opportunities. Keep up the good work making traveling the world for next to nothing possible!

  13. Wow congrads!! how long have you been sustaining that volume? I’m already at $70k this month with a goal of $100k I’m sweating bullets that my CC’s or bank accounts do not get shut down. I used to do $4-5 k a month on Bluebird for about 1.5 years until they finally shut me down. I want to increase the volume over the next 2 months but i have a feeling all of the extra spend will trigger a shut down.

    Has any of the MS ever triggered any IRD reports on taxes as income or anything? Due to the volume most steps require SS# which I assume is reported to IRS just don’t know how they use the info.

  14. Been in the game over 15 years slowly building volume. Current level of ms has been sustained for about 14+ months with no shutdowns.
    Banks that have shut me down in the past are:
    BOA, St. Mary’s Bank, DCU CU. Enterprise Bank.
    Credit card shutdowns are:
    Barclays(2.5 years ago)
    Capital One(1 year ago)
    Alliant CU(1 year ago)
    Cards used for heavy cash back are:
    Fidelity, Citi Double Cash X 2, PenFed Power Cash Rewards, PayPal, TD Ameritrade Client Rewards, Discover It Miles, FNB Ducks, Amex Old Blue Cash. All the above cards except the Amex are used at Simon Malls.
    I have 2 Chase Ink Plus cards I max out at Staples every year.
    Cards I use at GCM are:
    Amex Hilton Honors Business
    Citi TY Premier
    Amex SPG personal
    I am not aware of any IRD reports and hve never been issued a 1099 for any ms activities

    1. Mike – how long did it take you to feel comfortable to max out spend each week to maximize. Like I said, I have only been six months and when I do a SM VGC run – its like not even the max per day for SSN — I just am risk averse to having that much out there. I mean if there were master cards, I could always Plastiq and pay my mortgage.

  15. Has anyone tried the Fetch Reward app? I have been scaning my WM MO’s receipts and earning points. Every 1000 points equals $1 it takes a bunch of points to start redeeming GC’s of your choice but with the high volume of MOs I have been moving my points have been adding up super fast.

    If you want to give it a try use my referral code, JWWJ1, during signup and you’ll get 2,000 Fetch Points just for starting. Download here:

  16. Mike, can I trouble you for a list of the MS-friendly WMT’s, with $ limits at each? I’m in Boston but have 2-3 trips to NH planned in the fall. The MS-friendly WMT near me in North Reading MA has a 2 card limit now. None of the others are friendly. Thanks!

  17. John Paul Hundley

    Everyone seems so concerned about where to buy GC. Why not just order on line and get a 1 percent portal. Is 30-45 days not enough time to liquidate MO, and deposit, and pay.
    I am looking at this as I am home bound for the moment and can only send aids to fetch the GC s I find by phone.

  18. Newbie here who has just subscribed to the site. The information presented here is very useful. I am in Dallas and got I got the manufactured spending for the last six months or so. With somewhat good luck. I have been purchasing my gift cars at GiftCardMall and liquidating at a local Walmart, only local one I have been able to find. I have been using Bill pay sparingly and buying 2k worth of money orders on every trip. Currently doing around 45k this month. Went in the other night and did three bill pays for 2k each and then was turned down for a 2k money order after customer rep put my drivers license info into the system. I shrugged it off and went back the next morning, same thing happened when I tried for 2k in money orders. Rep, who is very friendly, said it’s probably because of all the bill pays last night and trying again less than 24 hours later. Has anyone had experience with this? Sure want to follow their rules and not get shutdown by any means. If anyone else is familiar with liquidation locations in Dallas I would greatly appreciate some insight. I know of a couple other locations but they are at least half hour drives away which is not fruitful for me. Any knowledge I can gain in spending here is greatly appreciated and I would like to become a contributing member to this group.

    1. I would steer clear of WM bill pay. It’s what got my Arrival account shut down. Banks don’t like payments from untraceable sources like WM BP. Give it another 24 hours and then see if you can buy an MO.

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