A recap of Monday’s points and miles meetup

Last week, Kendra and I decided, kind of last minute, to host a blog meet up at Philz Coffee in Berkeley. We announced it on Friday and really didn’t expect very many people to show up. I figured we’d maybe see the four people who commented on the post to say they were coming.

You can imagine my surprise when over a dozen people showed up and we basically took over the space (sorry to any students who failed their finals  this morning because of our incessant talking).

The group, talking at the Berkeley points and miles meet up
The group, talking at the Berkeley points and miles meet up

Most of the time when I’m writing this blog, I write what I would want to read. Mainly because a lot of times it feels like there’s no one on the other end. So it’s nice to meet people who actually read this blog. I feel like I can now write for my audience because I have a better idea of who they actually are.

It was also just great to be around like-minded people who have the same obsession me; the enthusiasm from a reader who’d never left North America but is taking an epic around-the-world trip this fall, consisting of 9 premium cabin segments, was contagious! I think everyone lit up when they heard his story.

While the gathering was supposed to end at 8 PM, some of us stayed until 8:30 PM…when the baristas kicked us out because they were closing. The conversations didn’t stop though. Six of us stood outside of Philz in the cold for 45 minutes and continued chatting. I had the best time and even learned a few new creative point-earning tricks, while some of the things people were doing to earn miles made me laugh.

The group came from all over. Some walked a few blocks from their homes while others came from as far away as Roseville. It’s unreal when your local mall rep tells you about a fellow points/miles collector and then you end up meeting them a day later, chatting about that same mall rep. Before it was even over, people were asking me when we’d do this again. It was a lot of fun and I look forward to organizing another meetup soon. 

Fun times at the Points and miles meetup in Berkeley
Fun times at the Points and miles meetup in Berkeley

The group just kept growing and we did our best to gather chairs for everyone. But inevitably we had to break apart. As a result, there were a few people who came all this way and with whom I didn’t get a chance to speak until the end. When they were leaving.

I feel really bad about this because I really did mean to speak to each person who came, yet the seating situation made that difficult. Next time we’ll do this at a cafe or restaurant where we can reserve tables and speak above a whisper. 

If you were at the meetup, thanks again for coming and I’m glad we got to meet in person! 

25 thoughts on “A recap of Monday’s points and miles meetup”

  1. Had a great time and met great people there despite not getting to met you lol. I look forward to the next meet up.

  2. I’m in the Midwest and would love to go to a Meetup with you. Just need some advance notice!

  3. Please consider organizing the next event in SF during the weekend, e.g. Saturday noon, if possible. I so much enjoy your writing and MS style presented in your blog since day one, esp. My Week in Manufactured Spending series. I live in South Bay and I really soooo want to go for this meetup at Berkeley yesterday. I am super-duper addicted/passionate to this hobby. One time my wife even asked me “Why don’t you just marry these airline mileage or hotel point programs instead?” I replied “Why?” She said “Because you had been spending so much time and energy thinking about and working on them.” I am speechless. Hehhe!

  4. I know people give you a hard time but I’m another silent admirer. I couldn’t make it but count my support.

  5. I was happy to meet you Ariana, even if it was for only a moment as we were leaving. I’m hoping you schedule another get together soon. This was great fun.

  6. Ariana, count me in for the next meet-up. I’m in San Diego but ready to come anywhere to chat with you and other point chasers. I love your blog. It’s not all about signing up for credit cards, it’s about just anything related to points, miles, vacation resorts etc. Keep posting please! 🙂

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