Good news! Mail-in entries being honored for IHG Rewards Club Priceless Surprises

Many of you have been leaving comments on the IHG Rewards Club Priceless Surprises post, asking whether the mail-in entry method has produced any results. I’m happy to report that readers Linda and Mandy have received emails confirming they were in fact eligible for one prize per entry received. Both of them reported earning at least 500 IHG points per entry, sometimes even more. Mandy sent over the following screenshot of the email she received from IHG:

Look out for this email from IHG Priceless Surprises
Look out for this email from IHG Priceless Surprises

Linda sent her entries in on November 15 and received an email today, instructing her to claim her prize. She reports that she and her husband used both hand-printed envelopes as well as mailing labels and both entry types earned them points.

I’m glad we’re finally getting some positive feedback about the IHG Priceless Surprises promotion. I’m sure lots of people will be mailing in their remaining entries now that there’s confirmation of prizes being issued. As a result, I’m sure it will take a bit longer to get a response, since a.) we’re dealing with the U.S. Post Office during the holiday season and b.) the HelloWorld warehouse will probably be overwhelmed by additional entries.

As a reminder, IHG Priceless Surprises entries should be hand-written on 3 x 5 cards containing the following information:

  • Full name
  • Complete mailing address
  • Day and evening phone numbers
  • Valid email address
  • IHG member number
  • The first six digits of your MasterCard
  • Date of birth

…then mailed to the following address:

IHG and MasterCard Priceless Surprises Promotion

c/o HelloWorld, Inc.

P.O. Box 5996

Kalamazoo, MI 49003-5996

Lots of folks, like Paul from Island Traveler, have been able to save on mailing costs by buying discounted stamps on Ebay. You can also earn at least 5 points per $1 by purchasing envelopes and index cards at office supply stores with your Chase Ink Plus card. I ended up preparing 470 entries for myself and four family members and I believe the total cost for envelopes, mailing labels, index cards, and postage was around $250 – not bad if we end up earning a minimum of 235,000 IHG points.

Be sure to browse through my Best IHG Redemption series for ideas on where to redeem some of the points earning from the Priceless Surprises promotion.

Have you received a response to your IHG Rewards Club Priceless Surprises entries?

33 thoughts on “Good news! Mail-in entries being honored for IHG Rewards Club Priceless Surprises”

  1. I sent mine in over a week-long period just because I didn’t want to do them all at the same time. Sent in 12 per day and got 11 emails today. I got 1000 points on two of my entries and 500 on the rest.

  2. I have success to report as well. Sent in 24 as a test. Received 24 emails at same time today. Won 500 points per email and 1000 on 4 of them. For the record I computer printed the envelopes but hand wrote the entry card on unlined 3×5 cards from office store. The bank of my entries go out tomorrow morning! My wife a day behind but will mail hers Monday morning.

  3. I sent my entries in over six days. I used 3×5 pieces of paper which was mentioned in addition to using cards. I hand printed everything on the papers and the envelopes. I live in Illinois so it should not take long to get to Kalamazoo. I have received no responses yet.

  4. Dumb question. I sent one entry a few week ago, I was wondering how did you guys sent them. I wrote mine like this:

    Webo Chapin
    (555)555-5555, and so on…

    I was wondering should I send it like this?

    Name: Webo Chapin
    Address: Address
    Day Phone Number: (555)555-5555.

    Do you get the idea? Thanks for any help

    1. The first method looks fine. The only place where I’d add more info is when you’re entering your IHG, MasterCard, and phone numbers. Just so it’s clear what the numbers are that you’re providing.

  5. This is my second comment on this promotion. I received an email early on I was registered for Priceless Surprises, sent entries in on different days through different post offices, and have still received nothing in return. The first entries were mailed 10 days ago.

    1. I’d give it a few more days. If you don’t hear back by the end of the week, I’d call IHG or HelloWorld and see what’s going on. At the very least, IHG might offer you some points for the inconvenience.

          1. Not sure if I am sending this to you under “KPS” or “patriot546.” we will see when it posts.

            Still no responses received so I called the Spire Elite telephone number on the back of my membership card. I explained to the rep what had happened regarding my entries and that I had received and email saying I was registered for the promotion. However, my email looked nothing like the photo of the response another member received and sent in to you. Once again, he knew nothing about the mail in option for participating in Priceless Surprises. I asked him to please check with a supervisor, which he did–twice. The answer he brought back is the promotion STILL requires a first an second IHG property stay. I told him this is not what you had been told by a high level IHG Club manager, if I understood correctly what you had written in your blog. They have now opened a case ticket on my situation and I should receive an answer in 3 to 5 business days.
            I told them I had complied with all the mail in requirements and that I had placed a return address on every envelope. I had mailed the entries over several days and through three different post offices in Illinois. Nothing had been returned. I am wondering if anyone you have had responses from did also stay at least one night in an IHG property since Nov. 15. They confirmed my promotion registration was sent to me on Nov. 23. I did NOT receive an invitation to participate in the promotion at that time.

          2. IHG customer service reps seem to be unaware of this promotion and I’ve heard from one other person who had a similar experience as you. I would recommend reaching out to the Twitter team. They’re usually better informed about this stuff and empowered to help.

    2. I mailed in my 94 entries the week of 19-Jan ; I received 20 emails tonight 28-Jan at 8pm, one for 2000 points, two for 1000 points and the remaining 17 for 500 each. Not too bad, looking forward to the remaining priceless surprises!

    1. Yep, lots of people are hearing back. Do make sure you actually registered for the promo – I had one reader tell me he forgot to register, sent in the cards, and realized that’s why his points weren’t being credited.

  6. Does anyone know how the points will get posted. I’ve heard that the emails for those who hand wrote entries are starting to be delivered, but nothing about how the points are being credited yo your account? What if the email in the entry and the email in your IHG Priority account are not the same?

  7. Steve R. Got 17 emails today from IHG regarding the promotion. After 15 the screen went to a continue and indicated that I no longer have any more chances to use. It also indicated, ” book a room by February 15th to receive more chances.” Anyone else got this?

    1. I had the same thing happen to me today. 13 emails. After I opened 9, the “continue” notice showed up on the next 2. I haven’t opened the remaing 2 emails..

      1. Does anyone know why a couple of us received “continue” in emails? When this shows, you can’t open any door options and there are no points or other prizes shown.

          1. The IHG support number was no help at all. The rep said they have no access to details about the promotion, even though the number I called was specifically for ” Priceless Promotions” support.

  8. I finally received one response yesterday . When I opened the door, it said I had won 5000 points. Do not know when they will be credited to my account.

  9. you said you mailed in entries for family members as well. Did each of them have a mastercard or did you use your mastercard info for each family member?

  10. Sorry, coming into this late – we have till end of feb to mail in? And do they have to be envelopes or postcards are OK?

  11. I just received my 94th entry! 42,000 points have already posted and the breakdown is:
    2 x 5000, 1 x 1000, 91 x 500 = 56,500 points total! Yesterday I was approved for the Chase IHG (60k + $50 statement credit but I’m going to send a SM and request the recent 80k offer), and in July I will cash (most of) it in for two nights at the Intercontinental London Park Lane ($673/night).

    Needless to say, I AM THRILLED! Thank you for posting about this!

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