I’m back – join me for a virtual meet-up/fundraiser!

You know those annoying posts from the early days of blogging where the author would apologize for not blogging for a long time? This kind of feels like that. It’s been a year and a half since I announced my abandonment of this blog to join The Points Guy as an Editor and now here I am announcing that I’ll resume writing – soon.

The last year and a half has been a wild ride. Two weeks into my new job, the pandemic happened and my plans to be a digital nomad came crashing down as I spent most of my time at home, mastering the art of cooking (i.e., following Alison Roman’s recipes) for the first time. All things considered, the pandemic brought many positive things into my life. I know I’m incredibly lucky to be able to say that.

I learned a ton and will forever hold TPG in high regard for keeping everyone employed while the travel industry took a nosedive.

What’s next?

It’s time for the next chapter. I’m back on the freelance market and bringing this blog back to life. What I wrote last year still stands true: This blog is the best thing I ever did. It brought so many incredible opportunities my way, thanks to an audience of devoted readers (and the occasional trolls) who have supported me over the past decade.

Truly, no job has ever rewarded my efforts the way this blog has. I intend to put more time into building it up the way I’ve bolstered points and miles content on other sites.

I hope to write more educational posts, credit card reviews, share my manufactured spending adventures and reconnect with all of you via virtual meet-ups. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to subscribe for updates as I roll out more content in the coming weeks.

A virtual-meet-up is in order

The blog’s revival calls for a reunion and I can’t think of a better way to do that than to hold a virtual meet-up/fundraiser. About four years ago, I hosted a virtual event that raised over $2,500 in charitable donations. I would love to do that again but raise even more funds this time.

As most of you know, I was born in Afghanistan and my 2011 trip inspired me to start collecting points and blog about my experiences. The uniqueness of those trip reports brought thousands of readers to my site. I simply wouldn’t be here without that experience.

What’s been happening over the last two weeks has been frustrating. I’ve never felt more angry and powerless in my life.


The only thing I can think of is to help those who are helping others. So I’m hosting a virtual meet-up on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. (PT) and ask for a $25 donation to one of the following organizations:

Send me a copy of your receipt by Monday, September 6 and I’ll send you a link to join the session on the 8th. 

I know how much everyone loves Zoom calls, but this will be fun and more interactive than previous meet-ups. We’ll get a chance to talk face-to-face (sort of) and I’ll answer your questions about points, miles, manufactured spending and everything in between. Maybe I’ll even do all this while demonstrating my favorite (i.e., only) pandemic recipes (spicy rigatoni and mint iced coffee). I’m open to suggestions!

The format will be free-form. But if you have specific topics you want me to address, please drop them in the comment section.

39 thoughts on “I’m back – join me for a virtual meet-up/fundraiser!”

  1. Welcome back! So glad you are returning to your “roots”!

    I had no idea you were from Afghanistan. Although I won’t be able to join the virtual meet up, I’m donating to the International Rescue Committee in your honor. The last 2 weeks, especially, must be devastating for you.

    Looking forward to your posts!

  2. I am glad you are restarting. I enjoy hearing your special voice within the points world and the fact that it goes beyond. I am not available for the meet-up but did make a donation. I can send you the receipt if you need it for tracking purposes.


    Welcome Back – looking forward to reading your blog again. I cannot make the Zoom call but looking forward to trying to make them in the future.

  4. Welcome back!! I will miss your reunion meeting because I’ll be in Istanbul. But, I’ll be reading the blog as always.

  5. Louise Biedrzycki

    I am happy to see that you are okay. I was worried about the hate and attacks on people from the Middle East. Hopefully none of your families and friends have been hurt.

  6. Happily donated! I will be on my 6th multi-week road trip since Covid arrived and may miss the call, maybe you can make it available for those who can’t catch it live?

  7. So glad you are back! There aren’t enough women in the miles and points world. And you have a very special voice. I sent you my donation receipt and really look forward to the Zoom call. Thanks for re-starting on such a high note!!!

  8. Ariana, Ariana, Ariana, i had repeated 3 times, and voila, you are back!!!
    So glad to be able to read your blogs again, we’ve missed you.
    I will donate to “Save the Children”.

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