Vanilla Reload and Reloadit cards at Lucky’s grocery store

A few weeks ago I wrote about finding Vanilla Reloads at a Save Mart grocery store. What I found out when I googled the company is that the company also owns Foodmaxx and Lucky’s (alternatively called Albertson’s, depending on what day of the week it is). I’ve had mixed results finding Vanilla Reloads at Foodmaxx, but decided to give my local Lucky’s a try. Thankfully, it’s very close to the only CVS in my area that accepts credit cards for Vanilla Reload purchases.

Vanilla Reload

Sure enough, their racks were completely filled with Vanilla Reload cards, as well as ReloadIT’s (which, by the way, has undergone a recent makeover with a logo that is reminiscent of Microsoft’s). ReloadIT cards come in increments of up to $950 and carry a $3.95 fee so buying these with a category bonus credit card is the ultimate jackpot.

I have one source an hour away from where I live that accepts credit cards, though it’s been a while since I’ve been back. I was pretty sure they didn’t take credit cards at this particular location, so I just picked up one Vanilla Reload. Since all the registers were closed, I was forced to do self-checkout. Of course, ringing up the card prompted assistance, so an associate came by to approve the transaction.

She let me know “these are cash or debit only,” which was a real shame. I asked her what about the ReloadIT cards and was told it was the same thing: Cash or debit. Since both of my debit cards earn a mealy 0.5 points per $1, I walked out of there disappointed. Still, if there is a Lucky’s in your area, here is how you can benefit from it:

1. Try to purchase Vanilla Reloads and ReloadIT cards with a credit card at your local Lucky’s- but not at the same time! Your store’s policy may differ, in which case you are looking at a nice payout.

2. If your local store does accept debit cards like mine, this can be worthwhile with a Delta Skymiles Debit Card. The card earns 1 mile per $1. So the out-of-pocket cost is the same as buying Vanilla Reloads at a CVS with a mile-earning debit card. ($7.90 per 1,000 miles).

I closed my account voluntarily, shortly before finding out that Walmart accepts debit cards for money orders. I tried re-opening the account and was told it wasn’t possible. Since then, I’ve applied for a new account twice and was approved, then subsequently shut down with the only explanation being that it was due to violations of the T&C. I’ve read over the terms and can’t find any rule I’ve violated. In any case, head to your local Lucky’s – there may be a Vanilla goldmine waiting for you.

8 thoughts on “Vanilla Reload and Reloadit cards at Lucky’s grocery store”

    1. I also tried 2 savemarts in the valley (modesto to be exact), but they were cash or debit only. Bummer I thought i could spread the cvs spend around a little. I’ll try Lucky.

  1. If at Lucky, the associate told you “cash or credit only”, then that’s very useful. Even though with that policy, you couldn’t purchase them using a debit card, it’s more lucrative anyway to buy them using a credit card. Also, have you had any success buying Visa gift cards at one of these grocery stores?

    1. That was a typo. It was “cash or debit,” otherwise you know I would have walked out of there with the entire rack in hand!

  2. I really dig you posts. What kind of expenditures were you putting in your SunTrust account before getting shut down?

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