Which Giftcards.com Visa gift cards are issued by Metabank?

For the past year, I’ve been using cash back portals like Yazing and TopCashBack to purchase Visa gift cards from Giftcards.com. These Visa gift cards are generally PIN-enabled, meaning they can be used to purchase money orders. These money orders can then be deposited into your bank account or used to make credit card bill payments in-branch. A lot of folks have been asking me which card designs specifically result in Metabank-issued cards.

Why It Matters

Generally, Visa gift cards sold on Giftcards.com are issued by Metabank. However, there are some reports that not all Visa gift cards from GiftCards.com are issued by Metabank and thus cannot be liquidated via money order purchases at Walmart. Obviously, you’ll want to avoid these cards, since you’ll otherwise be stuck with gift cards you have to spend down.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately from readers wanting to know which Visa gift cards listed on Giftcards.com are issued by Metabank. This depends entirely on the gift card design you choose.

Which Gift Card Designs to Choose

Giftcards.com has a huge selection of gift card designs customers can choose from. While I haven’t ordered every single card design, I do like to get creative and order cards that look nice.

In the past, I would pick ones that closely resembled bank debit cards, but now that my local Walmart knows I’m not a criminal or doing this to launder money, they don’t care what the card looks like.

So I just order a few tried-and-true designs that I can personally vouch for as resulting in Metabank-issued cards. They include the following gift card designs:

  • Night Owls
  • Christmas Bird Red
  • Orange Flower
  • Soccer
  • Cheerleading
  • Love Birds
  • Ballet
  • Happy Birthday Flowers
  • Christmas Candy Canes
  • Floral
  • Thank You Tulips
  • Two Less fish in the Sea

These are card designs I’ve consistently purchased over the last year, which have always been issued by Metabank and thus PIN-enabled. If you pick these card designs, you should be safe, though there is no telling if Giftcards.com changes things down the road.

Final Thoughts

This should give you plenty of safe gift card buying options going forward. You can find  these designs by clicking on the Visa gift card tab on the Giftcards.com home page, selecting “all categories” and then typing the card design name into the search box.

As a reminder, be sure to click through a cash back portal to earn 1.25% cash back on your Giftcards.com purchases and off-set the majority of the fees. 

Are there any other Giftcards.com Visa gift card designs you can vouch for as being Metabank-issued and thus PIN-enabled for money order purchases? Please share in the comment section.

29 thoughts on “Which Giftcards.com Visa gift cards are issued by Metabank?”

  1. I Cant buy gift Cards from giftcardmall.com. I do not know why this is happening. I tried it with 2 accounts. I was purchasing 2 gift cards to start with alongwith free shipping costs. Checked the credit card details and addresses several times, Even called the bank. They told me that the merchant is cancelling the order and everything from the bank is just fine.
    Why is giftcardmall.com doing this. I entered their site via topcashback.

  2. I’ve successfully used these at Walmart for Bluebird/Serve/MoneyOrders:
    Blue Baby Boy
    Pink Baby Girl
    Green card
    Design 2 by DT
    The Black Card
    Gold Card
    Bamboo Bow
    Luxury Gold Chevron
    Hot Pink Card

  3. The Pointchaser is the new MillionMileSecrets. I wish you would stop blogging about MS. You’re only drawing attention to it. The big blogs stay away from it, yet this one gets further and further into it. But it doesn’t matter because you’re increasing traffic to your site. It’s an overt example of selfishness. It needs to be said because you need to hear it. So when things dry up or get shut down, will you at least say that you’re partly or mostly responsible?

    1. Comparing me to MMS is a pretty huge overstatement. I don’t have 1/10 of the traffic he does. As for ms, what exactly am I exposing that everyone out there doesn’t know about? WM MO’s? That’s been common knowledge for at least five years. Newbies generally don’t touch it because they’re nervous about FinCen forms, being regarded with suspicion by the cashiers, etc. If anyone ruins deals its folks like you and me – not by blogging about it but by going overboard. That said, Giftcards.com knows what we’re up to and they’re ok with it. Everything dies eventually – it’s selfish to think you’re entitled to something other people shouldn’t have. When the well dries up and I can’t fly in a premium cabin anymore, I’m not going to throw myself a pity party. You shouldn’t either.

      1. That’s right Ariana manufactured spending has been around for a while and these people who are complaining about blogging of MS methods are just afraid that these types of MSing “earning points” are gonna go away.

  4. The lioness and leopard cards are Meta Bank. Thanks for mentioning that not all Gift Card Mall cards are from Meta Bank; I had no idea they weren’t.

  5. Thanks Ariana.

    Opposite request for me, can you point to any card that are NOT Metabank? I use the USPS to liquidate (no Walmart nearby) and they don’t take Metabank. Thanks

  6. I’ve had total success with the national parks series…. (have bought over a dozen over the past six months — all golden….) I’d say exactly which ones, but wouldn’t want to cause a run on them. 😉 Think famous canyons, yogi, waterfalls, colored stones, and hoodoos!

  7. When I go to buy 5 GCs from giftcard.com, I get an error message stating “Your order total has exceed the maximum limit of $2500. In order to continue, please edit your order by removing gift cards until your total is under $2500.” Does one of my cards have to be $465 to accomodate the fees?

  8. Reporting from Hallandale, FL. Attempted to buy a VGC with my new Delta Skymiles Platinum. Failed attempts.
    1. Walgreen’s: Only cash and debit payments.
    2. CVS: Swiped my card 3 times, declined and said to use another card.
    3. Walmart: Cashier said $500 GCs can be purchased only from the Money Center which closed at 7pm.
    Will try Walmart at another time since the only issue seemed to be that the Money Center closed early.
    Anyone else out there around Ventura/Hallandale in FL?

    1. You could buy 2 x $300 GCs from Staples online as well. Higher fees, but will have no problem and will show up right in your mailbox in about a week.

      1. Thanks! I might just end up having to buy online. For now, Amex has frozen my acct. stating there’s an “identity alert”. Will clear this up before attempting any MS. Thanks again!

    2. UPDATE: 01/10/17 Reporting from Hallandale, FL.
      –> 01/08 Cleared Identity Alert with Amex over the phone. Easy 5 min. call.
      –> 01/10 Successful attempt – Bought my 1st VGC at CVS for $4.99 fee.
      Will update when succesful at converting my VGC to a MO.

  9. GIFTCARDS.COM Doesn’t work for me at all. Could it be that my Amex Gold Skymiles is declining these transactions? Have tried 3 times to buy 1 $500 VGC and all transactions are cancelled within minutes. Anyone else got this issue with Amex Gold Skymiles? Thanks!

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