Stars Hollow come to life: A walk through Main Street Unionville – where Gilmore Girls was filmed

Confession: I have an unhealthy obsession with Gilmore Girls and the fictional town of Stars Hollow. I’ve watched every episode countless times – even the much-derided season 7. I got into Gilmore Girls around 2005 and have been an avid fan of the show since. As an avid fan, I wanted to know where Gilmore Girls was filmed and whether Stars Hollow was a real town.

I learned that while Stars Hollow isn’t a real place, there is a town in Canada where the pilot episode of Gilmore Girls was filmed. I got a chance to visit Main Street Unionville on two occasions: Once on a whim and again during the Gilmore Girls Fan Festival in 2019. Here’s my experience visiting Unionville, Ontario for the first time and experiencing real-life Stars Hollow:

Gilmore Girls was filmed on Main Street Unionville in Canada

The fictional town of Stars Hollow is one of the most appealing aspects of Gilmore Girls. The town and the series itself were inspired by Amy Sherman-Palladino’s visit to Washington Depot, Connecticut. Stars Hollow is your quintessential small town with friendly people, architectural charm, and twinkling lights everywhere you look.

Despite being depicted in Connecticut, the Gilmore Girls pilot episode was filmed on Main Street Unionville, Ontario. Unionville is a historic town near Toronto and offers all the charms of Stars Hollow. On Main Street, you can see the original filming locations for Luke’s Diner, Kim’s Antiques, Miss Patty’s dance studio and other places that resemble Stars Hollow.

Eventually, the show’s production moved to the Warner Bros backlot in Burbank. But many of the town’s attributes remained the same and the set retained much of the charm seen in the pilot episode.

Unionville Ontario Real Life Stars Hollow Gazebo
Unionville outdoes Stars Hollow with TWO town gazebos

The opening scene of the Gilmore Girls pilot episode was filmed on Main Street Unionville. Lorelei crosses the street to Luke’s Diner and begs him for coffee, kicking off one of the most underrated TV shows in history.

Now if you’re a serious Gilmore Girls fan, Main Street Unionville has probably been on your list of places to visit. I googled Unionville before my visit to Canada and it was just as picturesque as Stars Hollow.

The town has not one but two gazebos, a pond perfectly named Toogood Pond in Toogood Park, loads of adorable little shops occupying Main Street, and enough charming buildings to give you Stars Hollow flashbacks.

Main Street Unionville Ontario was Stars Hollow in the Gilmore Girls pilot
Main Street Unionville Ontario – a stand-in for Stars Hollow, CT from the show Gilmore Girls

How I visited the town where Gilmore Girls was filmed

A month ago I was in Toronto, under some not-so-great circumstances. Sightseeing or doing anything fun wasn’t on my agenda. At one point I mentioned to my parents that I’d like to come back at a later time to check out Unionville. My cousins got wind of it and insisted I tell them the name of the town but I refusd.

At one point, we all piled into a car and hit up a Tim Horton’s drive-through, when my cousin brought it up again: “So what was the name of that town you wanted to visit?” I finally relented after insisting that we wouldn’t go: “Unionville.” “Oh that’s like 15 minutes away from here. This is the perfect time to go.”

The timing was perfect. When we arrived, it had gotten dark and the twinkle lights were on; the entire town looked straight out of a storybook. It couldn’t have been more idyllic and adorable.

Gilmore Girls Main Street Unionville Ontario AKA Stars Hollow
The pilot episode of Gilmore Girls was filmed on Main Street Unionville, which looks just like real-life Stars Hollow

My self-guided tour through Main Street Unionville (real-life Stars Hollow)

On our way towards Main Street, we even passed a series of houses that looked similar to those occupied by the residents of fictional Stars Hollow, CT. This house we drove past bore a striking resemblance to Lorelai Gilmore’s House on the show…

Lorelai Gilmore's House Unionville Ontario
Add a wrap-around porch and you’ve got Lorelai’s house straight out of Stars Hollow

The town church

My goal when visiting Main Street Unionville was to find the town gazebo and the building where Luke’s Diner was filmed in the first episode. So I pulled out my phone to look up their locations. The building standing in for Luke’s Diner was on 156 Main Street, while the gazebo was further down the street.

My cousin pulled over in the parking lot of what looked like a church, but turned out to be a TV and Stereo store. Oddly enough, there was an actual church two blocks down, which looked exactly like this one.

It reminded me of Lane Lim’s storyline in Gilmore Girls: Lane’s family was very religious and went to church regularly. However, Lane was an audiophile who hid rap and rock albums under her floorboards.

The irony of Main Street Unionville having a church-turned-stereo store was not lost on me. I’m sure Lane Kim would’ve been proud!

Church Building Unionville Ontario AKA Stars Hollow
The church looks straight out of Stars Hollow, but it’s actually a tv and stereo store on Main Street Unionville, Ontario

We passed a cute little dress boutique called Paris Fashions and this quaint little shop, which turned out to be a Spanx store. What is a Spanx store doing in Stars Hollow?!?! Taylor Doose would not approve. It killed the magic a little, but it just goes to show none of us are free of corporate America.

A Spanx store in Stars Hollow (i.e. Unionville, Ontario) disappointing.
A Spanx store in Stars Hollow (i.e. Main Street Unionville, Ontario)…so disappointing.

Taylor’s Olde Fashioned Soda Shoppe

We walked towards Main Street and that’s when the 7-degree weather hit me; I began losing feeling in my hands and toes. When we couldn’t find any buildings resembling Luke’s Diner,  we walked into the Old Firehall Confectionery to ask for help. I had no doubt it was the inspiration for Taylor’s Olde Fashioned Soda Shoppe.

Old Firehouse Confectionery Main Street Unionville, Ontario AKA Stars Hollow
Old Firehall Confectionery in Unionville, Ontario

I felt slightly stupid, pulling out my phone and showing the very nice cashier the building I was looking for. She said we’d passed it and told me it was two or three doors down.

Luke’s Diner in Unionville (156 Main Street)

We followed her instructions and ended up at the Tucci Armadio Ladies Boutique, which looked similar to Luke’s Diner. Later, I found out I got it wrong once again. The Paris Fashions Dress boutique next door was actually the filming location of Luke’s Diner, not Tucci Armadio.

In fact, 156 Main Street is where Luke’s Diner was filmed in the pilot episode of Gilmore Girls. So if you’re headed to Ontario for a self-guided tour of Stars Hollow, be sure to stop by this place.

We walked around a bit more and passed yet another corporate place – Starbucks! That would not fly with Taylor Doose. Or Lorelai. But then again, Luke’s Diner isn’t around anymore so where else is a girl supposed to get her coffee fix?

Tucci Armadio Ladies Boutique Main Street Unionville Markham
Tucci Armadio Ladies Boutique on 154A Main Street Unionville: Located next to the building where Luke’s Diner was filmed in the pilot episode of Gilmore Girls

Sorry if this is all a little too inside baseball. You really need to watch the show to know what I’m talking about. It’s available on Netflix, so you might wanna clear your calendar.

Main Street Unionville Ontario Sushi Restaurant Stars Hollow
Unionville’s Sushi Cafe – another cute building in town

Kim’s Antiques

On my stroll down Main Street, I came across a small home decor place called Isla Home. It easily could have been a stand-in for Kim’s Antiques. Everything from the paint color to the general look of the building reminded me of Lane’s childhood home.

The town gazebo

I took a lot of photos of cute little shops that resembled buildings around Stars Hollow. While the area is full of charm, I was on a mission to find the town gazebo. All the show’s most adorable moments happened there and it’s a quintessential part of the town. So I kept searching.

Historic Main Street Unionville where Gilmore Girls was filmed
Historic Main Street Unionville, where the Gilmore Girls pilot episode was filmed

I didn’t have to look far before my cousin spotted it right outside the Old Planning Mill. There was a second gazebo right across the street.

At this point, my hands and feet were frozen and my face felt like it had been injected with a Real Housewives dose of botox. I was wearing a knee-length dress with tights and a coat. I’m not used to wearing gloves, so I left those in the car. Man did I regret it at that moment!

Barely able to hold my phone, I stood across the street and snapped a picture of the gazebo. I literally couldn’t stand out there anymore (let alone cross the street), so I decided this snap was sufficient.

Stars Hollow Town Gazebo on Main Street  Unionville Ontario
Gazebo on Main Street Unionville Ontario – similar to the Stars Hollow gazebo in Gilmore Girls

We headed back to the car and even though I was wearing 4-inch heels, I ran as best as I could. I grew up in Germany where it snowed every winter, but I have never experienced weather this cold before. We all hopped in the car, blasted the heater, and waited for our limbs to thaw before driving back home.

Leaving Main Street Unionville Ontario Stars Hollow Connecticut
Leaving Main Street Unionville, Ontario (AKA Stars Hollow, CT)

A very Gilmore Girls moment

As we passed the filming location of Luke’s Diner, the most Gilmore of moments happened: It started snowing. The kicker? The snow sparkled with what appeared to be flecks of glitter.

On Gilmore Girls, Lorelei was obsessed with snow. She considered it a magical time because every great thing that ever happened to her happened while it snowed.

Sparkling snow falling as we made our way down the street where the pilot episode of Gilmore Girls was filmed (just past the character’s favorite hangout spot) couldn’t have been more perfect.

147A Unionville Markham Ontario
Cozy Loft Day Spa at 147A on Main Street – another building seen in the Gilmore Girls pilot episode

Should you visit Main Street Unionville?

As a huge Gilmore Girls fan obsessed with Stars Hollow, I loved getting a taste of real-life Stars Hollow on Main Street Unionville. I loved my short but sweet visit to the town where the show’s pilot episode was filmed and seeing Luke’s Diner and the original Miss Patty’s Dance Studio.

If you’re a Gilmore Girls fan and want to relive the magic of the show and its fictional setting in Stars Hollow, I highly recommend visiting Unionville to relive the magic of Stars Hollow. It will make you feel immersed in the world of Gilmore Girls and appreciate the show so much more.

I’ve since gone back for the Gilmore Girls Fan Festival and explored the town in-depth. It was a wonderful experience because I got to enjoy the place with fellow fans who absolutely geeked out at every resemblance to Stars Hollow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Stars Hollow located in real life?

Stars Hollow is a fictional town inspired by Washington Depot, CT. However, the pilot episode of Gilmore Girls was filmed in Unionville, Ontario in Canada.

Can I visit Stars Hollow in real life?

You can’t visit Stars Hollow in real life but you can get the experience by visiting Unionville. The Fan Fest Society also puts on an annual Gilmore Girls festival in various small towns. Some Gilmore Girls cast members attend the event and the towns look and feel like Stars Hollow.

Does the Gilmore Girls set still exist?

Part of the Gilmore Girls set still exists on the Warner Bros backlot. But the pilot episode of Gilmore Girls was filmed on Main Street Unionville, Ontario; you can visit and take a self-guided tour of where Luke’s Diner and other locations where filmed.

Is the Gilmore Girls house real?

The Gilmore Girls house in the first episode is real and located on 61 Binscarth Road in Toronto, Canada. It served as the exterior of Emily Gilmore’s house in the pilot episode. In subsequent episodes, the Gilmore mansion exterior shots were filmed at 293 South Grand Avenue in Pasadena, CA.

Where in Ontario was Gilmore Girls filmed?

The first episode of Gilmore Girls was filmed in Unionville, Ontario. The opening scene and several others were filmed on Main Street Unionville while Emily and Richard’s house was filmed in Toronto.

Where is Luke’s diner in real life?

Luke’s diner was filmed on 156 Main Street in Unionville, Ontario, in the Gilmore Girls pilot episode. Subsequent episodes were filmed on the WB backlot.

Where was Gilmore Girls filmed?

Gilmore Girls was filmed in Unionville, Ontario, for the first episode. The remaining episodes of the show were filmed on the Warner Bros backlot in Burbank, California.

This story was originally published on December 18, 2019. It has been updated with new information.

45 thoughts on “Stars Hollow come to life: A walk through Main Street Unionville – where Gilmore Girls was filmed”

  1. Hi Ariana,

    I know about Gilmore Girls and did see an episode or two but don’t remember it. Reading your description and love for the show makes me want to see it again and I will. It must be good for you to like it so much. I thought people were only huge fans of the show Seinfeld.

    I go to Pickering, Ontario all the time and Unionville is around Markham road which is one of my favorite places to go while in Toronto. I love the Afghani food at Bamiyan Kabab and always get my sweets from the Al-Karam store on Markham Road.

    I will watch the pilot episode of Gilmore Girls tonight and stop by Unionville, the next time I go to Toronto.

    Thanks for enriching my life. I love people who are passionate about things.


  2. I’ll have to go to Unionville sometime when I go to Toronto next. I just learned that it was where the plot was filmed and searched for more info and stumbled upon your post.

    Love all of the pictures and description. And how fun that it snowed!

  3. I am from Unionville, and I have a little extra trivia for you! The house that you have pictured above that looks like Lorelai’s house was actually the house of a childhood friend of mine. This same childhood friend was actually IN Gilmore Girls. He was a party planner in season six, episode five – We’ve Got Magic To Do. 🙂

    1. No way! What a crazy coincidence. Was he by any chance the guy in the pool house, helping Rory plan the DAR event right before Paris storms in and announces she’s broke? (Did I mention my trekkie-level obsession with the show?)

      1. Yes! That is him. We went to grade school together, and then he went to a high school for the performing arts.

        1. How crazy is that?! I would have loved to have been on set of that show. I’m keeping my finger’s crossed that they’ll do a prequel or something: Gilmore Girls: The Early Years.

    1. Same here! You’re in the best seasons right now. My favorites are 2 and 5. When you get to 7, just remember that the original show runners had nothing to do with it, so it’s not the same.

  4. Okay this may sound crazy to you, but Have never seen the Gilmore Girls’ pilot movie. BUT Unionville was my home for 41 years. I only recently moved 15 minutes north because they tore down the building I lived in to build Condo’s. I lived right behind the trees behind the bandstand. I still go to Unionville a lot though. The last time I was there was about 3 hours ago! 🙂

      1. Update: I’m actually now working in Unionville for the local BIA. My job is to arrange all the events and hire the bands that play on the street in the summer. So I guess I’ll be seeing Unionville a lot more now lol. You’ll have to come back to visit.

        1. That’s so cool, Gary! I’m literally obsessed with this town. I’ll absolutely come back at some point. BTW if you guys can manage to put a diner on Main Street along with a cozy little inn, you’d have Gilmore Girls fans flocking from far and wide.

          1. You could manage to bring the cast and do a “Gilmore girls event”, fans would be linen up to see it :3

          2. There’s actually an annual Gilmore Girls Fan Fest in Connecticut around October. Part of the cast shows up, though event looks a bit boring (i.e. there’s a knit-a-thon). I’ve been toying with the idea of holding a more fun version of the event in Unionville. Something to think about, for sure!

  5. Jennifer Collins

    I am also obsessed with the show. I LOVE that fictional town! How amazing would it be to live in one just like it?
    Anyone know if a town that has that vibe (besides Unionville?)

  6. Frances Bucci

    Well here is some great news that was released yesterday on the Unionville Main Street page on Facebook- Next Fall the Gilmore Girls Fan Fest 2019 will be in Unionville! Very exciting for the town and the Gilmore Girls fans!

    1. Danielle Smith

      I didn’t see your post before leaving my comment so it basically says the same thing…. Its very exciting though! I haven’t been to any of the past fan fests and had heard this was the last year for it…. so glad to see that’s NOT the case!!

  7. Danielle Smith

    HUGE Gilmore Girl fan here! (I even have a whole room dedicated to GG complete with wolf girl picture!) I know this is an older post but I wanted to tell you that Gilmore Girls fan fest is scheduled to be in Unionville in 2019!

  8. Frances Bucci

    Very excited too! It’s just 10 minutes from my house. I’m in Unionville and always walk by where Luke’s was. I can’t wait until October 2019!

  9. Just finished watching the series……..Loved it….this post is great!!! Loved seeing these pictures, all the info on the town is wonderful!!! And the snow……..amazing Please post info for the event in October, 2019.


  10. Kate Gardner Koontz

    Was watching an episode and spotted a board and battan building which building looks Canadian. Have spent summers in Ontario since I was 5. My parents lived in Ontario. My sister lives in Ontario and my brother lives on Vancouver Island. I can usually spot a Canadian setting in US movies or tv. Googled “Gilmore Girls” and yes! I love the series! Too busy to watch tv raising 5 children. Enjoying now at age 71. Thanks!

  11. I just started watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix yesterday as school has been closed and theres not much to do stuck inside. I got curious and googled where Gilmore Girls was filmed, expecting the location to be in Connecticut (at least for the outside scenes). I’m actually blown away, I’ve lived in Markham my entire life, I was born and raised here. I have driven through Main St. Unionville a million times and often hung out there with friends during spares or on weekends. Half my family live in the area. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize it, and that in my 19 years of living in this town no one has mentioned the pilot was filmed here.

    1. You’re lucky! The town in the show was inspired by Washington Depot, CT. But I feel like Unionville embodies the town so much better: The gazebo, the park (“Toogood park”) and just the overall vibe. I saw a blue house for sale across the street from the train station and it’s the spitting image of Lorelai’s house. I kept thinking someone should turn that into a Gilmore themed airbnb, they’d make a fortune.

    2. Same. No one has said anything! It was not until they had that “gilmore girls” festival thing that i made the connection. Plus it really does not look like a quaint town to me. We only have firehall, starbucks, jake’s and a couple brunch spots on main street. Nothing that i would consider “small town”.

    3. You’re not alone – I hear this from Markham/Unionville residents all the time. To be fair, only the pilot was filmed here and they ended up recreating the town on the WB backlot.

  12. I’m so sorry but I believe you have the wrong Main Street, see in Markham there are two Main Streets there’s Main Street Markham and Main Street Unionville. I believe the pilot was filmed on Main Street Markham if you see the pictures you’ll see the resemblance.

    1. No it was Main Street Unionville. I lived in Unionville for 41 years and remember when they were filming it. In fact there was a Gilmore Girls Fan Fest there last October in celebration of it. All of the pictures above were taken on Main Street Unionville by Ariana.

    2. Thanks Jack! It actually was filmed on Main Street Unionville. I ended up going to the Gilmore Girls festival there last year and was able to revisit where the opening shot was filmed.

  13. Andrea Ingram

    Hi. The building that they sold spanx out of was originally owned by my family. As well as the building directly south of it. I lived in both houses as a child. And I worked in the one selling spanx as an adult. The owner of the store bought it once my grandmother died and we sold the property. It was originally a typhoid house and is quite haunted, roughly 11 to 16 people died in it.

    1. Oh my gosh! Thanks for sharing Andrea. I would love it if one of these old houses got turned into an Inn. Like the gift shop near the train station – it looks just like Lorelai’s house.

  14. Laila Khimji

    I live in unionville and am a gilmore girls fan. Never considered they used it in the pilot. It does look very different though in the show than in person, and our main street is very small. It only gets busy in the summer so not an ideal retail location. Nice to know Unionville is seen as such a cute little town. Gives me a bit more appreciation for my area!

    1. Want to know where the rest of the series was filmed? It was in Burbank, California. Look up images of Midwest street and it’s not just places that kinda look like you could find them in Starts Hollow. No, its the real deal. Luke’s diner, Kim’s Antiques, the Gazebo, etc.

  15. Hi everybody, if you guys want to know where the rest of the series was filmed it was in Burbank, California. Look up images of Midwest street and it’s not just places that kinda look like you could find them in Starts Hollow. No, its the real deal. Luke’s diner, Kim’s Antiques, the Gazebo, etc.

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