A successful morning manufactured spending run

Now that tourist season is over, its much easier to get about and make good use of my retired time. I’m an early riser and after grabbing coffee, I head to the Internet for email and to see what’s new in the manufactured spending world. Monday, October 1st, turned out to be a profitable one.

I found two Amex Offers that were just what I needed during Staples Fee-Free Visa Week. The first offer was buy $100 and get a $25 statement credit. I found it on both my and Katy’s Amex Business Blue cards. So no fees for the cards other than a money order for $399 and a quick $49 profit.

Next stop was the other Staples about 30 minutes away for a quick $1,000 purchase on each of two 5X Chase Ink Plus cards. Again, it is fee-free, and I value those 10,000 Ultimate Rewards points at about $150, minus the minimal money order cost.

Staples Visa $0 Fee Promotion
Staples Visa $0 Fee promotion

The next stop was Kroger, where Katy liquidated all $2,400 worth of $200 Visa gift cards for me for a total cost of $3. It has been a while since I’ve had a smooth manufactured spending morning. This one is turning out just fine.

Sam’s Club manufactured spending deals

Off to Sam’s Club where I get to take advantage of the second Amex Offer that showed up early this morning, an extra 4X Membership Rewards points at Sam’s until December 31.

Using our Amex Business Blue cards, which normally pay 2X, we increased our yield to 6X and YES both the offers sent emails saying: “Great News you’ve used your Amex Offer.” On top of the 6X we also collected our $15 on Dosh. More on that in a minute.

I had problems the last two times I went to Sam’s. One time, the register would only accept one $250 gift card per credit card transaction. I like getting two with each card.

And the other time, the clerk keyed in the wrong amount the first time ($200 instead of $250) but I ended up getting a gift card loaded with $200 when I had actually paid $250. I eventually got a $50 credit on my Citi AAdvantage Platinum Card but I was clearly frustrated with Sam’s by then.

The final tally

So on this good trip, we did the following:

2x$25 statement credit at first Staples -99 MO fee = $49 profit<

$2,000 at Staples number 2 with INK for a value of $150 – MO = $145

$500 x 2 x 6X = 6000 Membership Rewards points at 1.25 cents each, less 4 x $4.88 fees and $2 MO fees but then add back the $30 Dosh credit =net profit on those four cards of $83.

Two and a half hours later I’m at the gym riding my exercise bike with a net gain of $277.

I know some of you do not have Dosh in your area for stores with easy payouts – I get that. I have two other apps that are worthless to me that may be working for you, PEI and Drop. But these three only represent the apps I originally studied which were “one and done” phone apps.

I have never looked at receipt upload apps where you photograph your receipt and send it in for a rebate. It seems there are lots of them out there.

Have any of you scored BIG with a receipt upload app? We can do this a couple of ways. You can share or hint what is working for you, or I can spend a retirement day or two looking it up, studying it myself to then share with you all. I hope it’s the former as I need a nap after that morning!

26 thoughts on “A successful morning manufactured spending run”

  1. Good day indeed.
    I am curious why you don’t take advantage of the OD $15 off $300 gcs this week. It’s slightly better than fee free Staples. And maybe didn’t have to drive 30 minutes?
    My OD allows me to split transactions to do several times.
    You reminded me I need to jump on this Sam’s Club Dosh + 4x thing. I hesitated renewing membership but it’s really a no-brainer as lucrative as this can be.

    1. Because with OD you an only buy max 2 VGC per transaction to take full advantage of the $15 off and most OD stores will not allow you to do more than 1 transaction per visit. Sure you come out about $1.10 ahead through OD for every 2 VGCs but if you can buy 10 x $200 at Staples in 1 transaction, it saves the multiple trips you would need to make to ramp up to $2K. Not everyone lives close to an OD nor wants to make as many trips if at all possible.

  2. I thought Amex was not granting Points for GCs. Aren’t your statements showing up these GCs purchases? I just wondering because I don’t have this card.

    1. The wording is in the t and c on the gold card. A friend of mines grocery just posted yesterday ok. We do have a data point about them Not Posting on Hilton Aspire which has the same wording. I have not checked the wording on the Biz Blue. Thanks for the reminder

    2. Ric, wording exists on T and C of gold card that gift card purchases will not qualify. A friend of mine’s statement closed yesterday and they posted ok. We do have a DP of them Not Posting on a Hilton Aspire card. I haven’t checked the t and c on my biz blue card. Thanks for the reminder

    3. Still doing it on gold card. Have data point of no points on aspire card. Thanks for reminding me to check biz blue for “no gift card wording”

  3. Hey Kirk, it’s an hour plus one way to my closest Office Depot is the only reason I don’t go. If this 4x bonus plus Dosh continues, I may be at Sam’s club a lot this fall

    1. OK thanks. I just renewed my membership this morning and did my first Dosh and Amex platinum purchase of gift cards. Platinum showed congratulations on using Amex offer, so I’m assuming I’m getting four times points. My issue is that I bought a vanilla MasterCard. I thought I could liquidate that through Western Union but it says transaction denied. Since they don’t sell visas at Sam’s Club now which MasterCard are you using to liquidate through Western Union?

  4. I envy you your friendly staples. The closest one for me closed and the other one now only allows 1 $200GC per visit. And we know the manager because he was at our previous store where we could do the $2000. Such a bummer. Our local OD is friendly but only allows a single transaction per visit. 🙁

  5. We do not have Kroger in our market only Winn-Dixie and Publix. Curious how you use 12 $200 GC’s to buy MO’s for $3. That couldn’t be done in any Publix I know and maybe one WD out of ten.

    1. I can do 3 or 4 $200’s in a split transaction for 98cents at Kroger depending on who’s at the service counter

    2. WD and Publix both auto drain gift cards. No need to tell rep you’re splitting transactions. Don’t ask them to split, Just do it. I often do 3 – 4 cards per MO at those stores. Never have I had an issue. I’m probably putting 20 -30k per month through these stores.

  6. Rick, does your staples have 500 vgc? Mine only has 200 in meta. They do have Sunny’s in 500 denomination but I’m hesitant to try them…

  7. Do you mind elaborating on how you were able to have “Kroger … liquidate all $2,400 worth of $200 Visa gift cards”
    Did get a MO at Kroger.

    1. “I’d like a $600 money order please and I’ll be doing it at $200 per swipe”. Did four of them. Nice gal about my age was glad to accommodate me. As always, its location and individual specific.

  8. Rick, which Gift cards you buying at Sams Club? They don’t sell visa anymore and the vanilla MCs I bought there today don’t work at Western Union. Thanks!

    1. Thru all the wrappers out a day ago but 99% sure they are Vanilla as well.. $20-$250 Mastercard that I convert at Kroger into Western union MO

      1. I think you are very fortunate to have an outlet for VGCs from Sams. From what I’ve read on FT it is near impossible. I bought two 250s today and can’t liquidate. Dumped one to Amazon gc balance. Will pay utilities with other.

      2. You’re very fortunate to be able to liquidate these. I am unable and after reading through FT it seems it is a rare case for anyone.
        I may try to buy a gift card I can then use to buy MOs. My Simon Mall rep allows me multiple swipes. Perhaps I can change out vanilla MCs for Visa gc there.

        1. I’m lucky too! I found the problem. I went back to the same store and liquidated today. I tried it differently by purchasing MO for the gift card amount. It worked! The problem must be these particular cards don’t auto-drain.

  9. Points For Four

    I hit up office depot for the $15.00 off $300 using Chase INK Cash, then I hit up Staples with AMEX BB but I had two offers:

    “Get 1 additional Membership Rewards point for each dollar spent on eligible purchases made using your enrolled Card in-store at Staples or online at Staples.com by 12/31/2019.”


    “Get a one-time $25 statement credit by using your enrolled Business Card to spend a minimum of $100+ in one or more transactions in-store at Staples or online at Staples.com by 12/31/2019.”

    and I got email confirmation for using both offers.

  10. I went to Fred Meyer to liquidate my Visa GC to buy MO and it was declined after 2 swipes of 200 each. I’m located in Seattle Wa. I’m newbie so don’t know why it did that. After that the lady asked to see my card and said she cannot sell it to me cuz it’s a gift card. Please advice. Thanks!

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