Update: My first Yazing cash back payment came through

I started using Yazing to earn cash back at Giftcards.com back in February. At the time, I wasn’t sure if Yazing was legitimate. Their lack of a member dashboard gave me doubts about whether I’d even get the 2% cash back payout they were offering. I did get some reassurance from Yazing’s founder (who subsequently removed all manufactured spending restrictions from the website’s terms and conditions).

Well, I’m happy to report that my first payout from Yazing was processed today. I got an email from PayPal notifying me that Yazing had sent me $60.84. This was further confirmed when I logged into my account. 

My Yazing cash back payout from February
My Yazing cash back payout from February

Yazing’s processing time was a lot faster than I had anticipated. I received tracking confirmation within 1-2 days of placing my order and received my cash back in less than four weeks.

Yazing has been faster than iConsumer, which I used around the same time and my my cash back earnings are still showing as pending. I still have a few transactions I’m waiting for Yazing to process. But so far I’m impressed by how fast they are.

Currently, both iConsumer and Yazing are offering 1.5% cash back on Giftcards.com purchases. This is great because on a maximum $2,500 order, the shipping and gift card fees are pretty much all off-set.

In fact, you’ll actually end up with a small profit. It’s a good way to generate some extra miles at minimal cost and with far less effort than buying gift cards felsewhere. 

I have gotten some reports from readers whose orders have been cancelled recently. However, I haven’t had this experience myself. Still, it’s something to be aware of.

Just keep an eye on your inbox for any cancellation emails. That way you can figure out other options in case your order is cancelled and you have a spending requirement to meet. 

Have you received a payout from Yazing or iConsumer yet? 

28 thoughts on “Update: My first Yazing cash back payment came through”

  1. sounds tempting, but doesn’t it raise red flags for your credit card company when you place $2500 order at GiftCards.com?

  2. I received my paypal payment yesterday as well. one question, since the max limit is $ 2500, can I order 5 cards plus fee which will go over the limit?

  3. No you can’t have 5 x 500, fees get added to the limit.

    Ariana: are Giftcards.com personalized Visa pin enabled?

  4. Made my first purchase with them a week ago. Thought it didn’t track so I contacted them about it. They got back to me almost right away. Apparently it did track and I must have missed the email they sent. Glad to hear other folks are getting paid.

  5. On Yazing jumping to giftcards.com, you purchase the physical Visa gift card where you select a design and add your name right? Just want to verify before I buy some. Thank you.

  6. Just got my first payout. They are beating i-consumer to the punch, even though I tried i-c first. Thanks for the suggestion.

      1. Robert Szabo

        Can you please explain this, because I’m not getting the same result when I do the math:
        “Currently, both iConsumer and Yazing are offering 1.5% cash back on Giftcards.com purchases, which is great because on a maximum $2,500 order, the shipping and gift card fees are pretty much all off-set and leave you with a small profit.”
        Fees: $6.95/$500
        Shipping: $1.99/$500
        If I purchase 4x$500 the expenses are $35.76
        Yazing cash back for this is: $30.42
        So, per my calculation, there is a loss of $5.34 / $2000 worth of gift cards.
        If we factor in the liquidation fee of $0.70 / $1000, then that leaves us with a total loss of $6.74 / $2000.

        Am I doing something wrong?

        1. At 1.5%, you earn $37.50 on a $2500 order. The fees come up to $34.75 and on four or more gift cards you can opt for a $7.45 shipping fee instead of $1.99 per card. So your total comes to $42.20 in shipping and card fees and $37.50 cash back, meaning you’re paying $4.70 for a minimum of 2,500 points. If you’re using a 2%cash back card, you would earn $50 cash back leaving you with a profit of $45.30. Spending another $2.10 on money order fees brings your profit down to $43.20.

          1. Robert Szabo

            Great! I didn’t even know that GC.com has a $7.45 bundle shipping option.
            Thank you soooo sooo sooo much for the valuble information!

          2. Do you happen to know what is the daily maximum on GC.com?
            I placed two orders of $2500 today and then my third one got declined due to reaching the daily max.

          3. Robert Szabo

            Yeah, both in my name, just paid with two different cards. I think it was 2499.20 each

  7. adi arifianto

    good news if there have been members who have received the payment. I had just started following yazing sites, and I get an email notification cashback $ 3.

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