A new chapter

It’s been an intense few weeks, both in terms of work and life. As some of you know, I left my full time job back in August and decided to freelance for a bit while deciding my next step. I got to travel a bit (to the Maldives and most recently, Turkey) and really got to reflect and appreciate the opportunities I’ve had over the last eight years. 

I owe everything to my blog and this hobby: Every career opportunity since 2013, every place I’ve had a chance to travel to and all the great people I met along the way. 

How it started

I’ve been blogging for eight years. During five of those years, I got an opportunity to work as a freelance writer. My writing skills deteriorated. Expectations were low and I found myself phoning it in most of the time.

When I joined NerdWallet as a contributor, things changed. I was challenged to do better and as a result, my writing improved tremendously and I found myself enjoying the writing process once again. 

But aside from that, I need variety in my daily work life and simply writing and tweeting doesn’t always bring me joy. My part time editing job at NerdWallet helped fill the void for a while.

That growth has been missing in my work life for a while. When I’m not learning and improving, I fall into a rut. For a Type A personality like me, being stuck is the worst feeling possible. I get restless, I get depressed and I become apathetic.

Searching for growth

I interviewed for several different positions recently, ranging from editorial to communications roles. Unanimously, the thing that everyone was excited to talk to me about was this hobby and my blogging activities. At one point, I was asked why I started the blog and what kept me going. Was it the revenue? 

I explained that I made practically nothing for many years and what kept me going was a genuine passion for this hobby and excitement for sharing it with others. 

When I started my first post-grad job during the recession, I remember wondering how I’d make something of myself. The economy was bad, it had taken me a year to find a job and any kind of progress seemed out of reach.

By focusing on my passion and building this creative outlet, I got to showcase my writing abilities, learn invaluable skills, build a community of excited readers and find incredible job opportunities along the way. I can’t even imagine where I’d be today if I hadn’t started this blog back in 2012. 

The present day

I haven’t always given this blog the attention it deserved. Taking weeks off at a time, it just wasn’t feasible for me to do it full time, especially since I spent most of my time on work and writing assignments that kept a roof over my head.

When I got a call from Brian Kelly to join The Points Guy team as Credit Cards Editor, it was the opportunity I’d been waiting for: A challenging job where I’d get to work with writers and a world-class team. A place where I could learn and be challenged to be a better writer and editor. 

I’m starting my new job today and look forward to growing professionally while continuing to pursue this hobby that has immeasurably changed my life.

It’s been an awesome ride and I want to thank each and every one of you for your support over the years. Thank you for reading, commenting and keeping me engaged. You’ve made it possible for me to check off virtually every major bucket list item and cheered me on when I needed it the most.

Staying in touch

This isn’t the end. I hope you’ll continue to follow along as I share my adventures at TPG and on social media. You can always DM me on Twitter or share your crazy adventures with me on Facebook. I want to hear from you guys, even if it’s not in the always-colorful comment section.

Twitter: @PointChaser

Instagram: @PointChaser 

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Thank you for following along. I hope your journey has been as rewarding as mine.

123 thoughts on “A new chapter”

  1. Sorry to hear you defected to TPG. I can’t stand his site and the constant hawking of credit cards. Your site was so much more interesting and genuine than TPG. Sad day.

    1. I don’t know where I will find such honest info on manufactured spending, so sad to see you go. I read Summer’s posts on the Points Guy, so will look for you on the Points Guy. Glad you are doing new things.

    1. I truly wish you the best. I completely understand your decision and you have to do what’s best for you.

      Unfortunately, I won’t be able to follow you at TPG. I’ve said the same to all bloggers I used to follow who decided to go to TPG, including Mommy points, TravelisFeee, etc. I simply refuse to visit the site. It’s a principle thing for me and I hope you’ll understand.

      Best of luck.


  2. Are you shutting down this site or will you just not be adding new postings? Also will Rick be doing anything on this site anymore? Its a sad day for your site followers but a Happy day for you. Congratulations!!

  3. Congratulations, so exciting. I’m retired and a few years ago I wrote an email to a magazine and they asked if they could turn it in to an article. The beginning of a new career for me.

  4. Congratulations, Ariana!!!!!!!!!!! I love your sharing of your life experiences, challenges and growth along the way- all in the name of the Game. Yes, Brian pushes hard on credit cards, but he’s a marketing genius, and his business is thriving and is Quality as well. Probably you’re in good hands. Moving on, moving up. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  5. Another one bites the dust. I know you have to do what is best for you and I wish you the very best. I loved your blogs because there was no one else that was as open and honest as you. I hope that will not change in the future, but honestly the TPG site is so politically correct and pretty shallow. I hope you will bring it up to your standards.

    I understand we all have to pay our bills and I honestly hope the very best for you in the future.

    1. I agree with John, you truly spoke with the truth in all your postings, that is what made me a follower of your blog, I wish you the very best in your new role and I hope that they can value your openess and independence..

  6. What John said! All of it! Aside from wishing you good luck, I pray TPG doesn’t corrupt you as it has done with others. Brian Kelly thinks he’s The Man but he’s The Creep. I hope his greed eventually does him in.

  7. Best of luck, I really enjoyed reading your blog, you have a great style of writing. I hope the new job gives you new challenges, opportunities and happiness, and a chance to shine !

  8. Wishing you good luck if you believe it’s best for you…but also – goodbye…I don’t think I’ll be going to TPG… not out of principle, just don’t find their content interesting or useful…

  9. Best of luck in your new endeavor !! I have greatly appreciated all the time you have taken to answer questions and writing educational posts along the way. Looking forward to you bringing your realism to TPG. Thank you 🙂

  10. Thanks for opening up your expertise to us. I haven’t been an avid follower of these blogs as in the past. Most of it is because of the demise of small, independent travel bloggers like yourself.
    I’ll continue to see what you have to say on TPG but as others have said, it’s a bit of a disappointment for us.
    You have to do what’s best for you, however, not us. Best of luck!

  11. Go girl! Life is nothing but change. Do what you have to do and have fun. If all the naysayers above (who love to complain) don’t want to follow you, their loss. Thanks again for opening up my world to travel (cost free) possibilities!

  12. This is terrific news! Congrats! You’ve been an inspiration for me over the years for sure. I’m very grateful for all you have done, all you will do and that we’ve connected through this ‘hobby’. All the best to you!

  13. You have been so helpful. Thank you. TPG is the other site that has been helpful. So hopefully it will be a good match for your talents. Tom

  14. Best wishes! I always appreciated your blog and the info you gave. With that said, I guess I won’t be reading your posts anymore since I don’t read or visit tpg. Again, best wishes and good luck!

  15. All the best to you Ariana! I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and have learned so much from you. Thanks for all of the travel you’ve helped me to do in my own journey!

  16. Congratulations, and best of luck. Thank you for your posts. You are a breath of fresh air. Your passion was infectious. I have learned a lot.

  17. How ironic – most of your posts could use a good editor reviewing them… not to mention a good vetting for content!

    All those really bad MS posts…. Remember when you wrote multiple posts recommending people sell to The Plastic Merchant WHILE he was already bouncing checks and heading toward bankruptcy? Or when you actually ENCOURAGED people to make structured deposits because you didn’t know what it was? Or the time you berated a WM clerk and bragged about it online?

    I assume you’ll be editing the Oh-so-subtle credit card plugs on TPG? How perfect!

    Have fun hanging with Brian Kelly! Maybe you can hand out TPG awards to Marriott and Chase!

  18. TPG is downgrade for you. Your blog gave much more valuable information, than TPG. Hope you’ll continue posting here, even though you’re banned for WM MO now

      1. I’d love to think that you’re right, but TPG is this evil black hole that sucks in good bloggers and turns them into credit card shilling drones. Every independent blogger that has joined TPG has pretty much dropped off the face of the Earth on the websites they spent so much time and effort to create. As to exercising your ability, just say the words “out to lunch” to Brian Kelly, and see where that goes. I genuinely wish you well but also could not think of a single travel blog that would be worse to join. I also remember similar promises from Drew at Travel Is Free, and he had gobs of integrity before he pretty much vanished after joining. As much as I despise the shrill hucksterism that embodies TPG, I genuinely hope that you’re the rare exception that finds happiness there.

        1. Thank you for your honesty. I understand your perspective but it’s also tough to sustain a blog of any size without affiliate revenue. Even TBB has gotten in on the action.

          RE Drew, he actually works on the tech side so that’s why you don’t see him online much. He’s working on some really great projects from what I hear.

  19. I’ll miss following your adventures. You’ve caused me to spend many hours at Walmart and Simon Mall. I’ll look for you at TPG.

  20. Wishing you all the best with TPG. It has been a pleasure following you and your posts. While I used to enjoy Brian’s site, I can’t stand Mommy Points, Summer Hull, so refuse to visit TPG’s site since he brought Summer on board.

      1. I don’t hate her. I just choose not support anything she is involved with. Her reviews are very biased. If she stays at a hotel on points, she is highly critical, but if it is a revenue stay, she raves about the place. In addition, she needs to grow up. She has two children that she needs to parent–not have others (or electronic devices) entertain her daughters. Get rid of the torn jeans and be an adult.

  21. You have to do what is right for you so I wish you the best and appreciate what you have done — more than most of us. Too bad quality is decreasing with macro moves like these. Ben & Jerry’s –> Unilever.

  22. TPG? Really? Nothing but travel blogger prostitution. I’m glad to see all the anti-TPG people here. Everyone has their price I guess.

  23. You’re a true professional, Ariana, with how you handle criticism. You take the direct hits & don’t whine about “unfair” treatment when readers simply don’t agree with your methods, goals, or aspirations.

    Your tenacity is admirable & will serve you well at the next level. Best of luck to you & thank you for always being honest & transparent with us with how you consistently achieve impressive cash/points accumulations. Cream always rises to the top, & you are a great example of that in the P&M world.

  24. Well these comments certainly speak for the views of TPG. I do r blame everyone. His site is more superficial than Paris Hilton. Hope you don’t get sucked in to that crap.

  25. Congrats on the move!

    Brian Kelly used to live in my current hometown of Miami. When I first got into this game in 2013 I did so well so quickly that he invited me to a private party. There’s a photo of my wife and I on his blog from that party way back when. He’s very personable.

    I notice TPG has recently started posting Staples and OD fee free g/c offers, which really irritates me. I hope you don’t post your MS activities on that site. That type of mass publicity can destroy what little remains.

  26. Just for curiosity: was this decision easy for you? Are you allowed to MS while working at TPG? Is that compatible? I wish you luck, but it is a sad day indeed: Capitalism at its maximum expression. Walmart eating Mom and Pop blogs. What an irony. “Remaining are the ones who can smile, in the midst of death, in full light” (Silvio Rodriguez)

    1. Not an easy decision to make, but it was the best one. I was a freelance writer + blogger for years, but it stunted my professional growth. I really had to think about my future and what was going to offer the best opportunity for growth. This was absolutely it. I can still MS.

  27. Catherine Smalfus

    This blog helped me a lot even though I really don’t MS. I could tell it was a labor of love. Best of everything to you!

  28. I just read this post today as I didn’t realize the significance of the title. First, congratulations on your new job. I hope it is fulfilling for you. It can sometimes be incredibly difficult to make a decision like this, and I’m confident you are doing it for the right reasons. I hope you find great success and are truly rewarded for your efforts.

    That said, I have been seriously into this hobby a long time, since 2011, when the P&M blogging world was small and the content original. I too believe things have taken a turn for the worse with the demise of small, independent travel bloggers like yourself. And yes, TPG is a downgrade for you. I hope to see you return to the wonderful world you created here someday, but only if/when it’s what is best for you! Thanks for all your amazing posts, wonderful information and genuine sweet personality over the years.

  29. Congratulations!! I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for a long time! I’m happy you were able to elevate your life and career to the next level! Good luck on your journey!

  30. Its the over-valuing of points and miles on TPG that I find particularly annoying. Sure someone who has no date restrictions and can fly wherever whenever might reach those values, but on average, probably not. I hope you have a look at that if you are in charge of credit cards…

  31. Ahhh, Ariana — your original voice will be missed. As we miss so many other characters in travel blogging who were bought out by TPG. Is it a search for talent … or a consolidation? Tawk amongs yaselves ….

    But remember what Michael Corleone said, “There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” Someone please photoshop Brando’s fedora worn in the Godfather onto a photo of Brian Kelly.

    Your adventures in MS, your travels with family and your outgoing, engaging spirit will now be absorbed by Bankrate (Red Ventures), which as all corporate behemoths do — homogenize and fuse. I just hope they don’t force you to sing happy birthday to all other employees with a box cake.

    Viva PointsChaser … with fond nostalgia, and a shake of my head.

  32. “sorry someone pissed in your cereal this morning, chin up tomorrow is another day. Mean while go take your rat for a walk.” that was the sweetest comeback to an asshole who attacked you….guess you wont get to do that on TPG..You won my heart Anana….ha ha

    1. LOL! I don’t even remember saying that. The things I write in the comment section seem to be more memorable than my blog posts. 🙂 While I won’t be responding to the trolls on TPG’s site, there’s always Twitter…

  33. I’m totally behind on this news. Congratulations Ariana. You’ve helped me a lot over the years with your content, and definitely inspired me. Wishing you all the best with TPG — they are lucky to have you!

  34. I hope you can use this same site with your new blogging efforts. This layout fit perfectly with your message.

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